My logo, my TRADEMARK, is the MRI of my skull, showing gross assymetry,aka DEFORMITY = ugliness and target of bullies.The HAIG REPORT: the EVIDENCE My logo, my TRADEMARK, is the MRI of my skull, showing gross assymetry,aka DEFORMITY = ugliness and target of bullies.

I have a deformed skull. Check the MRI.  I have a deformed skull. 

Check here or the MRI.  See my profile including qualifications, websites and Bulletin Boards.
I have had a very hard time my whole life.  Because I did not realize the reason, I could not improve the situation for myself.  Had I known, I could have progressed the situation in which I found myself.  I had not realized just how obvious was the deformity.  I knew I had big ears, [see more recent photos below]
1962 photo of me showing my BIG EARS MRI of my skull showing Deformational Plagiocephaly or Deformed or Oblique Skull
 but I thought that was all that was noticable.  That was all I could see in 2 dimensions of photographs and by looking in the mirror.  It was in my case, apparently a taboo subject. Later, I realised my head sloped across the back, as you can see in the MRI, but I thought, "well, that's at the back and so cannot be seen." Afterall, I could not see it in photos or in the mirror. 
The reality is that the deformity makes my head, face and appearance ASYMMETRIC.  Asymmetry equates to UGLINESS. [To many people, I suspect that my head, before I had a long thick beard, looked rather 'wonky'.  Now, with the long thick unkempt beard, I am treated as a result of the impression others have of me seeing my long thick unkempt beard.  Of course, I do not suffer from that impediment on the Internet. Anyway, think of the time I have not wasted, and been able to put to better effect. ]  Ugly people have a much tougher time in this world.  This is supported by many statistical measures.  Ugly people are more likely to be imprisoned.  Films scripts make the crooks the ugly people. Unconsciously, people in general see ugliness as evil, and this is reinforced by film and fairy tales. 
Consider, Cinderalla and the three ugly sisters.
I suspect  that my life might have turned out much worse, had I not been scholastically and intellectually 'gifted'. I have had other major setbacks along the way, but, I now believe I can have a bright future, but I will have to fight for it.
The inverse of people viewing ugly as evil, is also true. [Is it an inverse proposition or different ends of the same proposition?] People who appear far less asymmetric, or fully symmetric, are considered handsome and accorded treatment as if they are upright characters.    My brother-in-law, Hugh Douglas McVean, [Hugh McVean] [see him in the 1971 group photos swapping places with me], proves this inverse. [I'm slow as I just realized, as I write this, that the inverse applies to him. I already had those two photos on this page.] My sister married him because she thought he looked very much like Paul Newman and she had a crush on Paul Newman when she first met him in 1967.   Just four hours after meeting him at a hotel cabaret, she vowed to me, that she was going to marry him.  She did and that was the greatest misfortune to befall the Mathews family.  Hugh McVean is a psychopathic criminal.  I know of many criminal acts by him, [including, but not exclusively, major fraud of me, and Insurance fraud with his criminal Brother John Alexander Francis McVean who was at the time a manager with South British Insurance.   They also ensnared my sister Coral in their criminal insurance fraud. Hugh McVean is devoid of charisma, but then again, he does not appear asymmetric.  Having my sister as his wife for 40 years has been a great advantage to him permitting him to progress, [and take my parents for a fraudulant ride as well].  Despite my having an LLB, he has been able to use the corrupt Queensland legal, justice and government system to his advantage.  We will see what we can do about that.

I will explain my motivation for writing this page, and in fact, this section of my group of websites [what I call my 'Internet Presence'].   I am devoting a whole section of one of my Bulletin Boards to the many aspects of
Deformational Plagiocephaly [Deformed or Oblique Skull].

I am Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA View list of my WEBSITES and Bulletin Boards and Email me at /. 

 If you View the list of my WEBSITES and Bulletin Boards, you will see that my Internet presence is growing.  As you can see just here below, from the images of the MRI of my skull and photos of me in earlier times, I have a deformed skull.  I have just discovered that this is called, Deformational Plagiocephaly [Deformed or 'Oblique Skull'].  Finding a name for the condition/situation was not important for me.  What I did find more relevant is that it is a significant condition and becoming more substantial, as parents try to adapt for SIDS.

I came to these web-sites on Deformational Plagiocephaly and deformed skulls because I was checking the referrer pages that brought visitors to my website.  I have found regular Google searches for <deformed skull> and the like, bringing people to my sites.  What really interests me with these google searches, is just how far up the list my site has come.  I really yearn for high Google, Yahoo, rankings.  I happened to check other URLs that were returned in the Google search that brought a visitor to my site.

The reality of my deformed skull is not my major concern at the moment.  I guess my deformed skull has been a substantial factor in my life, and not, in the main, for my betterment, or pleasure. I mentioned my deformed skull and the resulting affect on my appearance, as I guess it has determined the course of my life.  Fortunately for me, I was very intelligent; mainly in mathematics. My level of intelligence is in the order of the top one in a thousand. [That would mean that there would be about 21,000 people in Australia and 250,000 people in the US with equal or higher intelligence, than I have.  Expressed like that, it does not seem so wonderful, but I am thankful for it.]  [I do not know if the two, intelligence and Plagiocephaly, are related, but one never knows.]  But for that intelligence, I think my life would have been, and would be now, much much worse. 

My major concern at the moment, and the reason I became involved in my websites and the internet is to reverse the major corruption in Australia, and Queensland in particular.  I have been affected adversely by that corruption, going back 34 years and consistently since.  My thoughts are that were I not so ugly/freakish, I doubt I would have been targeted anywhere near as much as I have been.  I think it is almost intuitive that people who look like myself, are more readily targeted by the lowlife in this world, as the lowlife know from experience that such people are loners and have few friends or people who will spring to their defence.

I had mentioned the fact of my deformed head on my website as I have been targeted and my appearance was prominently mentioned.
I had mentioned the fact of my deformed head on my website as I have been targeted and my appearance was prominently mentioned.
You can read the matter surrounding that email at Garth Donnelly's Original FRAUD in 2000: PHOTO PROOF /.
I think this Garth Donnelly and Gaylene Vivian would not be too pleased with the exposure of their evil conduct. 

 I do not consider my deformed skull to be a functional disability. It is definitely responsible for much detrimental discrimination that I have experienced. However, I do have other disabilities and already had the domain for /.  I am trained in Law and have an LLB.  Pursuant to Australia's Disability Discrimination Act 1992, which is directed at remedying DISCRIMINATION, not fixing disability, disability is defined as including deformity or disfigurement of any  part of one's body, and does not need to have attendant functional disability.  Hence, this definition would include plagiocephaly.   I trust that no-one will take exception to my including the Bulletin Board re Plagiecephaly on this domain. The discrimination that I have experienced has definitely caused me a great functional detriment.
About the whole section of one of my Bulletin Boards devoted to
Deformational Plagiocephaly [Deformed or 'Oblique Skull'] FORUMS
    Ask me for my experiences of any aspect of my 58+years with plagiocephaly
    Views of Parents of babies with this condition.
    Views of Parents of children no longer babies, but who have this condition still.
    Views of Parents of children no longer babies, but who have had this condition corrected.

Reason for Garth Donnelly of Brisbane City Council DEFRAUDING me

Postby russellm on Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:22 am

Below the TEXT and images, are the URLs/hyperlinks to the many aspects of this topic.

Compare with the photos below:  
Over my life I have copped a load of bullying and mistreatment. I did not realise the reason. I scrutinized all my actions and statements. It had been suggested that since I was bearing the brunt of mistreatment and bullying, it must have been my fault. As a logical reality, since I did not see everyone else being mistreated this way, I guessed it was some fact related to me. I was very bright and believed that what I bore was due to my scholastic success and jealousy by others. I now find it incredible that it is only in recent days that I have realised that it is my appearance. I will fill in the gaps elsewhere, but to advance this series of articles, I will produce the evidence, the MRI and photos, here above.

The photos here show my slanting chin. That was really the least of my appearance problems, when I consider it objectively. I have always been able to feel that my head is a bit lopsided, but I did not think it showed. I thought photos of me just meant that the picture was taken from an angle or I was turning my head at the instant the picture was taken. I had never seen a CT scan of my skull. It was only when I began to think more clearly since my recently diagnosed Obstructive Sleep Apnoea [OSA] and still more recent adequate management of it, that I realised that my appearance was 'out there for all to see', but no-one had ever told me. [I now remember a few 'yuk' comments directed at me, which I did not comprehend at the time.] Hence, I purposely obtained the MRI to show objectively, what photos do not show. Of course, seeing the photos directly under the MRI does explain the photos. WHEN ONE THINKS ABOUT IT, it is a bit like seeing a painting in an art gallery when the frame is just not straight. It makes people feel uncomfortable. I guess that is how people see my appearance.

Something else you may notice.  In both of those photos, my head is tilting to my right.  Well, have a look at the MRI above and draw an imaginary line from the back of my skull to the front, directly through my brain stem.  You will see I have substantially more skull and brain on the right of that line as you view it.  It was a natural unconscious action of mine to tilt my head so there would be a balance, [so the centre of gravity of my head would be directly above my spine where it bent in my neck,] so I would not need to exert neck muscles, to prevent my head from falling to one side.  I realize all this now. 

Since I realised my slanting chin long ago, I grew a beard to conceal. Years ago, I grew my beard even fuller to help conceal the extent of my mishappen head, without realising it. Without alerting me to what I believed was the real reason, a University 'cousellor' had suggested that to me.   He said I looked a 'nerd'.  I did not realise what he meant, but I do now.  [BTW, as I am legally trained with an LLB, I can tell you that this disfigurement of my 'deformed skull' fits the definintion of 'disabled' under the Commonwealth of Australia, Disability Discrimination Act 1992. That Statute is about 'discrimination' more so than the manner in which the 'disability' affects the 'ability' of the person.  The law can do nothing about the performance detriment due to disability but can do mucyh about the detriment caused by discrimination, well in theory, but that section of the Australian Public Service is corrupt.  Hence, all the discrimination I suffer due to my appearance, [it is clearly ugly to most people], is discrimination, AND IT IS ILLEGAL. 

The next juxtaposition of photos I exhibit just below permits a comparison of the view of my head from the angle from both the left and the right. This is just more confirmation of what the MRI makes clear.


I am not concerned about it. I can do nothing about it. I realize now that it is NOT invisible to other people.

Hence, to ridicule me due to any aspect of my appearance, is illegal in itself. Garth Donnelly is not doing too well, is he? And this is just for starters. I have produced his email criticism of my appearance gain here. KEVIN RUDD'S Australian Government is well aware of all the illegal and CRIMINAL COUNDUCT that has been directed at me, AND IS HAPPY WITH IT.

KEVIN RUDD really has a problem, especially with his 'climate change' credentials. I am well qualified and highly intelligent. The Australian Government, in its many levels and branches, used my enlighten practices regarding actions on a micro scale that can be readily transferred to the macro, to benefit Australia and the world, TO ATTACK ME. SEE: The 'GREEN CREDENTIALS' of Australia's Prime Minister KEVIN RUDD, are a FRAUD, as his government secretly attacks ENVIRONMENTAL WARRIORS, including ARMED ROBBERY!!


See also;
  2. The 'GREEN CREDENTIALS' of Australia's Prime Minister KEVIN RUDD, are a FRAUD, as his government secretly attacks ENVIRONMENTAL WARRIORS, including ARMED ROBBERY!!
  3. Corrupt Queensland (Australia) State Police & public 'officials'.

Click here to see what the Brisbance City Council CRIMINAL named Garth Donnelly wrote but tried to conceal
Click to discover another CRIMINAL at Brisbane City Council
Adam Cotter; lying cheat @Brisbane City Council
ARMED ROBBER [with violence] Steve Beck,
ARMED ROBBER [with violence] Henri Elias Rantala.
ARMED ROBBER [with violence] Monica Antony [BigA for Antony]
ARMED ROBBER [with violence] Paul Maxwell,
ARMED ROBBER [with violence] Owen Benvenuti,
Adam Cotter; lying cheat @Brisbane City Council
ARMED ROBBERS [with violence] Alex Langguth, Mick Maher, Anthony Podolak,Ryan Connolly, Rod James, Mick Maher, Lance Seeto, Jacob Paterson,
ARMED ROBBERS [with violence] Peter Nielsen, Ed Pollock, Ian Myles, Dave Wardle, Oceanray Pty Ltd

Cheated Australians seeking Political Asylum
Kevin Rudd: Poncing on the Global Stage
Rudd's Australian Government persecutes and robs Australians
Kevin Rudd robs the poor & vulnerable
Kevin Rudd rises on Tide of Corruption
Kevin Rudd permits Armed Robbery by Government
Armed Robbery by Kevin Rudd's Government

Garth Donnelly's Original FRAUD in 2000: PHOTO PROOF
Reason for Garth Donnelly Brisbane City Council FRAUD
The Australian Government Method of Implementing the FRAUD
Garth Donnelly instructed his co-conspirators to IGNORE ME

'Poor', whinging Garth Donnelly reckons he has PRINCICPAL, PIGS!
What, How and Why Garth Donnelly was caught out

Brisbane's LORDMAYOR Campbell Newman's FRAUD
ADAM COTTER of Brisbane City Council cont'd the FRAUD
DAVID BELL of Brisbane City Council cont'd the FRAUD
DAVID BELL initial admission of DONNELLY FRAUD
Brisbane City Council admission of DONNELLY FRAUD
GAYLENE VIVIAN of Brisbane City Council cont'd the FRAUD
BRENTON HELE of Brisbane City Council cont'd the FRAUD
Margaret Crawford of Brisbane City Council cont'd the FRAUD
Wendy Barclay of Brisbane City Council continued the FRAUD
Joanne Whiting lawyer of Brisbane City Council cont'd the FRAUD
Wayne John Tolton FOR Brisbane City Council continued the FRAUD
Judy Magub of Brisbane City Council continued the FRAUD
Steve Beck of Brisbane City Council continued the FRAUD
Paul Maxwell of Brisbane City Council continued the FRAUD
Owen Benvenuti of Brisbane City Council continued the FRAUD
Tony Woodcock of Brisbane City Council continued the FRAUD
Walter H Ehrich, Corrupt Magistrate continued the FRAUD
Colin J Strofield, Corrupt magistrate continued the FRAUD
Paul Wesener BCC FOI 'Officer' of Brisbane City Council continued the FRAUD
Peter Weston of Brisbane City Council continued the FRAUD
Jeff Littlefield of Brisbane City Council continued the FRAUD
Lynda Tanner of Brisbane City Council continued the FRAUD
WPC Monica Antony [BigA for Antony] continued the FRAUD
ARMED ROBBER Henri Elias Rantala continued the FRAUD
Supreme Court judge Henry George Fryberg continued the FRAUD
Other named infividuals of Brisbane City Council continued the FRAUD
These criminal conspirators of Brisbane City Council DESTROYED MY REQUESTS
The SCOTLAND YARD Connection.
The London Metropolitan Police Connection.
Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA
View list of my WEBSITES and Bulletin Boards

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