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Public Notice of Equitable Interest in House and Land at 254
Hawken Drive
Public LEGAL Notice of
Equitable Interest
House and Land at
254 Hawken Drive,
St Lucia, Q 4067.
The house and land is at the corner of Hawken Drive and Boomerang Road
These are photos of the subject property.

prospective purchasers of property at St Lucia Briabane and DEMOLITON CONTRACTORS.
I hereby advise that I, Russell Gordon Haig Mathews, previously of 254
Hawken Drive, St Lucia, Q 4067 [the subject property] possess an
equitable interest in this property, house and land, at 254 Hawken
Drive, St Lucia. I have possessed this interest of beneficial
owner of the total property, since 25 February, 1994.
Hugh Douglas McVean, my criminal brother in law, and Coral Louise
McVean, made a criminal by Hugh Douglas McVean, have been the trustee
of this property during this time. Hugh Douglas McVean, and my
sister Coral Louise McVean, have forged a purported Tenancy
Agreement,purportedly with me, and entered that into court with the aim
of stealing this property from me. They have obtained, by
FRAUD, an Eviction Order aka Warrant of Possession, executed against me
by Queensland Police.
Any person who "purchases" this property is able to purchase only the
legal title of this property, but the equitable interest of beneficial
ownership of the total property, will remain with me.
AS A CONSEQUENCE OF THIS PUBLIC NOTICE, any person who purchases this
property, does not purchse the beneficial interest, which remains with
me. This notice prevents any such person from being a purchaser for
value without notice of the equitable interest.
Demoliton Contractors should be wary of dealing with Hugh McVean.
He is a cheating fraudster. He has already contacted his
"mate" [Garth Steven Donnelly], in the Brisbane City Council [BCC], to
try to wrangle the BCC placing a demolition order upon the building, in
an effort by Hugh McVean to defeat legal action. He
subsequently obtained
by clandestine means, a Demolition Permit to demolish this property.
Any demoliton contractor who even touches this building will be
destroying property which I beneficially own, and will have to then
deal with me, and will be liable for "equitable damages", payable to me.