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Wasted Costs Order
Wasted Costs Order [WCO]:
is an order of a court that the plaintiff should pay the
defendant's legal
costs that were wasted by the legal proceeding initiated for an
ulterior purpose other than the
purpose of winning the legal point.
The best way to express the nature of a WCO is to quote the findings
of the case where one was found. The court costs in a
proceeding usually follow the case: the loser pays the costs of the
winner. A WCO can be ordered by that court, where one party has
caused another party
to expend resources needlessly, to defend an action initiated without
any, or much, prospect of success, but merely, for instance, to defame
defending party so that they are forced to fight to clear their
name. The improper purpose of the plaintiff can be to merely buy
time and to put the other party on the defensive and so at a
disadvantage when suing the plaintiff.
One case where a WCO was found was in: