Menu: Translink Criminal Parasites Lisa Parker, Matthew Longland & many more sluts & wankers are Guilty of CRIMINAL Victimisation

My logo, my TRADEMARK, is the MRI of my skull, showing gross assymetry,aka DEFORMITY = ugliness and target of bullies. The HAIG REPORT: the EVIDENCE My logo, my TRADEMARK, is the MRI of my skull, showing gross assymetry,aka DEFORMITY = ugliness and target of bullies.

   It is Our legal, social and moral DUTY to EXPOSE CRIME, FRAUD & CORRUPTION plus Lying and Hypocrisy in Public Life, Including Judges & magistrates 

Fraud, Corruption & attempted  MURDER 
covered-up by Queensland police, EXPOSED 

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Translink: Criminal Parasites:
or are they just dreaming?


Reg. Office: 254 Hawken Drive, St Lucia, Qld. 4067, Australia.  
Editor-in-Chief:  Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA      EMAIL us anytime:  Please Please make a donation using BPay.  using  Please make a donation using BPay. 


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  Click here to GoTo Detail:=> Translink Criminal Parasites Lisa Parker, Matthew Longland & many more sluts & wankers are Guilty of CRIMINAL Victimisation

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 Content: Translink Criminal Parasites Lisa Parker, Matthew Longland & many more sluts & wankers are Guilty of CRIMINAL Victimisation

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Menu: HaigReport'sTranslink Criminal Parasites Lisa Parker, Matthew Longland & many more sluts & wankers are Guilty of CRIMINAL Victimisation :

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'Smack the Pony' Parker fingers

UPDATE: Of the TranSlink Slag Slut low-life Lisa 'Smack the pony' Parker Profile.

Where have those 'Smack the Pony' Parker fingers [3 sets in the photo] been?
This is a photo of the real low-life Lisa Parker.  She is a worthless no-body that is up herself previously had here, another photo of another Lisa who is employed by translink, thinking that that Lisa was the lowlife parasite Lisa Parker. 

That photo is now below in this panel.

I have now seen the LinkedIn page ostensibly for this Lisa Parker.

We had devoted, until now, two pages to this fuckwit parasite [the real FUDS Lisa Parker]; Second page, and first page.  Now that I have discovered her true photo, there is an even later page.

1.   Translink FuckWit Lisa Parker Proves She Really Is Fucked In The Head [FITH] & Corrupt:

2.   Criminal Detriment, Victimisation, Cheating & Fraud by the Worthless Lisa "Smack the Pony" Parker:

t will be worth investigating at some time in the future, how she came to be promoted to her present position - she has quite a number of subordinates -  so she thinks she is hot-scat - when she is such a dumb parasite. 

Check out the SECRET telecommuications apparatus [two-way or mobile phone], on the left side of the neck of the other Lisa who tried to tell the Clarks Logan City Bus Service driver to not carry me with my assistance dogs in February, 2013, and having her collar up high to seem to conceal it. [This is in February and so not cool weather.]  I see her on videos trying to be "real cool" leaning her head down and talking into it; HANDS FREE.   This
FUDS FITH fuckwit is worthy of ridicule.

I am disabled and have two wee assistance dogs.  I am entitled to be accompanied by my assistance dogs when travelling on public transport.  This ignorant FUDS bitch decided the better part of a seven years ago that I was required to have a "Translink Assistance Animal Pass" for my assistance dogs or they would tell their drivers to refuse my travel.  Of course that is illegal.   The Commonwealth of Australia's Disability Discrimination Act 1992(Cth)[DDA] gives me all the Rights I need.  These are Human Rights to a disabled person.

Translink parasites say it is their "policy".  Policy does not even have the influence of state law and by Sec 109 of the Australian Constitution, any state law inconsistent with a federal law is invalidated to the extent of the inconsistency. She is corrupt and so is translink.  This photo was taken on the 15th February, 2013 at Eight Mile Plains Bus Station.   They have CCTV to know when I am at a bus station.   Clarks Logan  City Bus Service buses will carry me without the Translink pass.  [That is the Law.]  On this occasion, she turned up knowing who I was, and tried to tell the Clarks' bus driver to not carry me.   The driver had been given a Company Directive that I should be carried while accompanied by my assistance dogs, and she knew that because the Transport Department had given translink staff the direction that Clarks had so advised, and how they were to act.

I had not seen her previously, and she did not introduce herself, so thought I would not know who she is; silly slut yet again.

Of course, when the driver ignored her and took me and The Boys [my assistance dogs] to the city, she was livid.   Eighteen days later, when I was legally on a Clarks bus, I was assaulted and caused GBH/permanent injury by three translink thugs since telling a whole pack of lies.  'Smack the Pony' Parker also lied that I did not have a ticket.   That bitch is so dumb that she should have realized that it is easy to prove I have a ticket when I do have a ticket.  There will be CCTV of my being issued with a ticket at 10:32am 5th March, 2013.

This assault was reported to the police, but the police, now including an Inspector, have become co-conspirators.  Of course, there is so much evidence of police corruption being protected by police, judges and magistrates and the Crime and Misconduct Commission.

So, FU dumb bitch.  This has a long way to go. I have seen a translink memo/email where these parasites in translink have seen my pages about this "smack the pony" slut, so decided they had to protect her.   There has been since, a criminal conspiracy within translink involving the Transport Minister and his staff.

  1. Sunbus Transit Australia Group Employs Criminal:

  2. Clarks Logan City Bus Criminal Driver Brad:

  3. Real Ex-Army Ball Breaker Fat Ugly Dyke Lisa Parker:

  4. Sunbus Transit Australia Group Employs Criminal:

  5. Dumb Wanker Matthew Longland Promoted By Corrupt Qld Government:

  6. Translink FuckWit Lisa Parker Proves She Really Is Fucked In The Head [FITH[ & Corrupt:

  7. OPEN LETTER to police Inspector Shane Holmes. Why do you reckon the assault was not assault?:

  8. Queensland Public Sector Corruption Network: Proof/Evidence & Consequences:

  9. Assistance Animal Card Proves Translink Fraud Fuckwits:

  10. Fatso Frumpy Fuckwit With Photo Gives Me Publishing Feast & Drops Into SCATS:

  11. Depraved police inspector Shane Holmes supports widespread corruption throughout Qld public sector:

  12. Is Transport Department's Ethical Standards Unit's Trevor Chippindall Corrupt or an Idiot?:

  13. Does Grossly Improper Conduct Of ExTransport Minister Scott Emerson Constitute Corruption? YES:

  14. Qld Corruption Annastacia Palaszczuk, Yvette D'Ath, Jackie Trad, Bill Byrne, Stirling Hinchliffe:

  15. Susan Chrisp Executive Director CrownLaw Parasite Criminal Co-Conspirator:

  16. Nick Montague Top Criminal Orchestrated Assault of Disabled Old Man & the criminal coverup:

  17. PHOTO: transSlink slut 'Smacking the Pony' as Excited at thought of Assaulting disabled Old Man:

  18. Corrupt Lawyers Normela 'Chunder' Hrle & Simon 'Punce' Hamlyn-Harris Breach Paramount Duty:

  19. Translink Recorded The Assault And False Imprisonment they tried to justify:

  20. Graeme Healey & Rachel Dando; more criminals at translink:

  21. Proof Clarks Logan City Buses advised translink who advised staff of legal procedure:

  22. Index: Translink Criminal Parasites Lisa Parker, Matthew Longland & many more sluts & wankers are Guilty of CRIMINAL Victimisation:


  24. The Translink fundamental & original fraud is that their "policy" which they act to enforece is ILLEGAL, and KNOWN by them to be ILLEGAL. That is not their major criminal offence. There are many others, since.:

  25. The REASON that Terms Sluts, Slags & Wankers are appropriate for Translink Parasites:

  26. Names, Titles/Positions, Phone Numbers & Email Addresses for the parasitic group of Translink public Sector parasitic sluts & wankers & more:

  27. Samantha Kane Qld Crown Law is a Predisposed Fraud for Translink: GoTo Warped Jaundiced Distorted 'legal' Opinion:

  28. Criminal Detriment, Victimisation, Cheating & Fraud by the Worthless Lisa "Smack the Pony" Parker:
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Reg. Office: 254 Hawken Drive, St Lucia, Qld. 4067, Australia.  
Editor-in-Chief:  Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA      EMAIL us anytime:  Please Please make a donation using BPay.  using  Please make a donation using BPay. 

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