Orthodox Christianity

Potential New WESTERN Orthodox Christian Church [WOCC]

I propose that I foster the establishment of the New WESTERN Orthodox Christian Church [WOCC].  Initially, I propose doing this via the internet.  Since I believe I have “mastered/cracked google”, I believe this can be done now, even more effectively. I have been considering this for some time, and believed it extremely viable even without the “google” factor. 

I would not propose that this new Western Orthodox Christian Church should bring harm to any other Orthodox Church including the Orthodox Church in America.  I believe that discussion and consideration of the WOCC will increase the suport for all other Orthodox Churches ncuding the Orthodox Church in America.

There are three main aspects to be considered. [PLUS OF COURSE,  FUNDING for the WOCC, and OTHER ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN CHURCHES, in other countries.]

Firstly, Historical reason that it should occur:

I imagine you may know better than I do, the history that I am about to recount. In 1054 there was the Schism, whereby the roman catholic church decided it wanted to go its own way. Then in the years following, their popes became military "generals" and attempted to "persuade" with force.  Then, at the time of the sacking of Constantinople, the remains of Saint Nicholas were stolen for a roman catholic church in Italy.

Many people within the catholic church in Western Europe, disliked the whole conduct of the catholic church, and the financial pressure by the catholic church through their "taxes" to be paid to rome.   These people included Martin Luther, John Knox, others and their followers. To my mind, the logical place, or Church to whom these "protestants" should have gone was an Orthodox Christian Church. In those time when there was less travel, no Orthodox Christian Churches were readily available in “Western Europe” as I understand it.  Instead they formed their own new "protestant" churches.  The opposition to the roman catholic church has thus been divided and so weakened.   With the rise of the internet, and better communications, now is the ideal time to put right what should have happened then.

I believe that, with better communications and mobility, now is the time for there to be a New Orthodox Christian Church, [only one], for those areas of the world where Orthodox Christianity is NOT the prevalent religion. I am thinking of Western Europe, North America and Australia and New Zealand.  I believe this New Orthodox Christian Church/Religion, should never poach members of other Orthodox Christian Churches.

Secondly: Method of Implementation: I believe that with the benefits, [as I detail below], which will be readily seen by Orthodox Christians,  many Orthodox Christians will wish to support the formation of WOCC, and so subscribe [no charge of course], to my first mailing list, viz: Orthodox Christians who support the idea of the WESTERN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN CHURCH [WOCC]. I am already a member of the second, viz: Non-Orthodox Christians who would  like to join the WOCC when it is formed.    As an Orthodox Christian, you may be able to refer people you know, to consider joining the WOCC; advising them that Orthodox Christianity is NOT a foreign religion.   You may be able to suggest a page I can publish on my site, so that you can refer such prospective new members of the WOCC to that page.

We will have to determine a name for this new Orthodox Christian Church. For the point of discussion, I have referred to it as the Western Orthodox Christian Church [WOCC]. I am sure there would be a better name and you could advise me on that.

The ORDINATION of the FIRST PRIEST of the WESTERN Orthodox Christian Church [WOCC], will be the first major event of our New WOCC.  That will be a great day, around the world and will be a day of great joy.  That will be a mammoth event, and cause for grand celebration in all parts of the world.  I believe that will preceed the blessing of the FIRST CHURCH BUILDING of the WOCC, by some period of time.  {It is feasible to have a Priest without a Church building, but not feasible to have a church building without a Priest.}  Initially, worship will be over the internet, or by new members attending liturgies in other Orthodox Christian Churches.   [At present, all Orthodox Christian Churches in western countries seem like they are "foreign" churches.]  That Ordination will be preceded by great publicity rising to a crescendo, along the lines of a big commercial LAUNCH. 

That first priest will have to have been trained in an Orthodox Christian Seminary.   Following the Apostolic Tradition of the Orthodox Christian Church, three priests of the existing Orthodox Christian Churches will ordain that priest.  I think it would be a great idea if all three were from different Orthodox Christian Churches.  This priest does not need to be in any particular country.  Initially, he will be the Priest for the WOCC for all countries in the world.

Before that ordination can occur, I believe we will need substantial evidence that the concept has strong support, by having substantial numbers of people subscribed to the two lists, mainly the first, I think.   During the nato bombing of Serbia, including Kosovo and Belgrade, there was substantial support in Western countries for the Serbian people. Like me, I suspect that these people felt an affinity for the Serbian people.   I think a large proportion of them could be inclined to be become members of the WOCC.

For the Western Orthodox Christian Church [WOCC] to be formed, it will be necessary to have our first Priest Ordained.   In accord with the Apostolic Tradition, it will be necessary to have three existing Orthodox Christian Priests ordain our first Priest.  Hence, it will be necessary to show a great number of people supporting the formation of the WOCC.  That is the reason I wish to have as many Orthodox Christians as possible join the first mailing list, and as many GENUINE  non-Orthodox Christians join the second mailing list
I, myself, wish to be confirmed as an Orthodox Christian

as a member of the Western Orthodox Christian Church.

I believe the WOCC can attract new members from a number of sources.  One will be people who are unimpressed by all churches in the west.  Orthodox Christianity is seen by a large proportion of the western population as a "foreign" religion.  The WOCC will change all that, such that becoming an Orthodox Christian will not seem such a big step. 

Thirdly: Benefits:
  to both new members and to the existing Orthodox Christian Churches of the world.

The benefits will extend a long way into the future, but there could be immediate benefits.  The Kosovo matter is not closed.   I believe a groundswell of Orthodox Christian faith in the West could have great bearings on the Kosovo future.

New members of the WOCC will feel the emotional support and security of being a member of a Strong, widely encompassing universal Church; Orthodox Christianity.

I believe there will be so many benefits that you may be able to suggest; many that have excaped my realisation.  This will be a new method of attracting more people to the Orthodox Christian faith.

I think that in the worst case senario, that, if after much promotion, the WOCC does not eventuate, increased numbers in the congregations of Eastern Orthodox Christian Churches in Western countries may result.

My view is that the WOCC would attract its members from those people who are at present protestants but feel that their church is not offering them all that they require. Many churches are finding that they have a dwindling number of people in their congregation. Individuals, or even congregations could decide to become Orthodox Christians and members of the WOCC.

When a new congregation came to WOCC, their minister would not be able to be a priest. I am sure there would be a lesser position such as a monk or like intermediate position for such a person and while they could not preside at a Liturgy, they could hold, I imagine, prayer meetings and worship meetings. Those logistics could be worked out. Their minister may be able to undergo some transitional course to permit him to become a priest.

When a congregation moved to the WOCC, those members of that congregation may bring with them their place of worship, which would probably be owned in some trust structure. [I am aware of these matters as I have been fully trained as a lawyer and had been an accountant for many years.]

These new Orthodox Christians would move to the WOCC only if there were benefits to them also. I believe these benefits would include better prospects for the continuation of their congregation. I would be prepared to contribute some funds by way of donation.

As the WOCC grew, whole Protestant Denominations may be attracted to the WOCC.

I think this WOCC can have a substantial calming effect upon world politics, as it will bring more people of the world together.



I think the first major move will be the ORDINATION of the FIRST PRIEST of the WESTERN Orthodox Christian Church [WOCC]. That will be a great day, around the world and will be a day of great joy.  That will be a mammoth event, and cause for grand celebration in all parts of the world.  I believe that will proceed the blessing of the FIRST CHURCH BUILDING of the WOCC.  Initially, worship will be over the internet, or by new members attending liturgies in other Orthodox Christian Churches.   [At present, all Orthodox Christian Churches in western countries seem like they are "foreign" churches.]  That Ordination will be preceded by great publicity rising to a crescendo, along the lines of a big commercial LAUNCH. 

That first priest will have to have been trained in an Orthodox Christian Seminary.   Following the Apostolic Tradition of the Orthodox Christian Church, three priests of the existing Orthodox Christian Churches will ordain that priest.  I think it would be a great idea if all three were from different Orthodox Christian Churches. 




While writing this page I googled for a definition of BULLY or BULLYING, to find "most people only realise they're being bullied when they read this page",


The Bully Online website published by the UK National Workplace Bullying Advice Line.  The site is extensive and detailed.

In time I will name all of the bullies and link them to specific pages on this site.


The DYNAMICS of the BULLYING to which I am subjected, and the reasons for it.

For so long I did not realise that I was being bullied. I just realised I was being attacked often.  Others had suggested that as I was the comon denominator, it must be something about me; something that I was doing. That seemed logical to me. I looked hard and long at myself to try to understand. [In fact it was DIRECTLY RELATED TO ME but was not of my volition AND was completely beyond my control: view my MRI.  In my High School years, I was known as a brain.  I was then very intelligent, especially with mathematics.   I had come to the conclusion that it must be that I was causing others to be jealous of me.  It was intimated that I should conceal my intelligence.   I withdrew into myself. I was still bullied.

It is only recently, [2005] that I obtained that MRI to show the actual case, unequivocally. 

There are TWO BASIC CAUSES OF THE BULLYING I SUSTAIN:  They are not independent but are interrelated and correlated.

1.)   The asymmetry/freakishish-ugliness of my deformed skull and resulting disfigurement. 
2.)   Most importantly, the consequences of 1. above:-
    a)   Shark attack whereby gutless parasites, see me as being an "easy target"  for their bullying, as it make them feel superior to me.
    b)   My undeserved "reputation" or, in psychology speak, the 'halo effect' [similar to "where there's smoke there's fire"], which is a consequence of 1. and 2a. above.  This is especially so when a third party has to make decision regarding me: for example, Public servant parasites in the Public Sector, and for Magistrates and Judges [where they are not already out and out corrupt - the case with many].  This is so even where they do not see me but just "read between the lines" on my reputation and the demonisation of me, by other bullies.

Research shows that Ugly people are so much more harshly treated by courts, much the same as with Aborigines.  Aborigines are bullied, just for being Aborigines.  The discrimination I suffer is very similar to Racial discrimination.  Hence, I readily appreciate how Aborigines, and people of PNG and Solomon Islands experience Racial discrimination [simply bullying]. 


Anglican Church
The University of Queensland [UQ]
     UQ's Registrar, Douglas Porter 
     UQ's Vice Chancellor, Prof John Hay
Brisbane City Council [BCC] Corruption, breaking, entering and stealing, illegal imprisonment, CRUELTY TO ANIMALS.
Garth Steven Donnelly, cheater, nominally employed by BCC.  Should he be in jail for PERJURY?  You decide.  Why did he PANIC?. 
     Is Gaylene Vivian another LIAR at BCC?
    The EVIDENCE that the Queensland Information Commissions states that the SOLICITOR  for BCC is a LIAR.

Bullying involves demonisation of the target with lies of  evil, wrongdoing or immoral conduct.   When challenged, the bully cannot substantiate his allegations but may say that the person who can deliver the evidence is afraid of repercussions from the bullied target [helps to substantiate the lie], that the target was challenged [in private but was not challenged, or was challenged, because the bully had included that, planning his bullying, as a way of substantiating the lie that the conduct occurred, when the target admits that he was challenged],  and that the challenge was worthwhile because the target no longer engages in that conduct.  [I am pleased you don't beat your wife now.]

There is much CORRUPTION in Australia but the majority of it is concealed. THIS HAS MAJOR CONSEQUENCES FOR AUSTRALIA POLICICALLY ON the WORLD STAGE. Australia attempts to pontificate from the HIGH MORAL GROUND and be the BULLY OF THE PACIFIC”. America [USA – Bush] is attempting to diminish its INTERNATIONAL crimes by seeming to associate with a densizen of the “high moral ground” [Australia], whereas in fact, AUSTRALIA IS RIFE WITH CORRUPTION. The hidden corruption is spread across layers of government, [elected and “public service”], POLICE, [Queensland and Federal], the judiciary, legal profession, EDUCATION, UNIVERSITIES and business. It occurs in many dimensions. Much of the corruption is for the “cover-up” of incompetence, and other corruption. Some members of my “family” have gained some “inspiration” from some of this corruption, utilising corruption in the legal profession and judiciary.          
The www is the ideal medium to present The EVIDENCE of this corruption when that evidence is documented and the statements of others where those statements are public records. I WILL PUBLISH THE FACTUAL EVIDENCE HERE. My purpose with this site is to assemble that evidence and the logical linkage for the UNCHALLENGABLE CONCLUSION. I have special skills in this respect. I am first and foremost a MATHEMATICIAN with maths majors in my BSc and BA. As well, I am fully trained to be admitted as a lawyer. I have practical experience in many courts over many years and as an accountant and tax agent.

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The "Judges are Corrupt" [WorldWide] Network
Tertiary Education in Australia
Recycling to save the Earth Water stupidity in Australia.
English as a Second Language for Chinese.
Interests for Chinese People


The ORDINATION of the FIRST PRIEST of the WESTERN Orthodox Christian Church [WOCC], will be the first major move of our New WOCC.  That will be a great day, around the world and will be a day of great joy.  That will be a mammoth event, and cause for grand celebration in all parts of the world.  I believe that will proceed the blessing of the FIRST CHURCH BUILDING of the WOCC.  Initially, worship will be over the internet, or by new members attending liturgies in other Orthodox Christian Churches.   [At present, all Orthodox Christian Churches in western countries seem like they are "foreign" churches.]  That Ordination will be preceded by great publicity rising to a crescendo, along the lines of a big commercial LAUNCH. 

That first priest will have to have been trained in an Orthodox Christian Seminary.   Following the Apostolic Tradition of the Orthodox Christian Church, three priests of the existing Orthodox Christian Churches will ordain that priest.  I think it would be a great idea if all three were from different Orthodox Christian Churches.  This priest does not need to be in any particular country.  Initialy, he will be the Priest for the WOCC for all countries in the world.


The ORDINATION of the FIRST PRIEST of the WESTERN Orthodox Christian Church [WOCC], will be the first major move of our New WOCC.  That will be a great day, around the world and will be a day of great joy.  That will be a mammoth event, and cause for grand celebration in all parts of the world.  I believe that will proceed the blessing of the FIRST CHURCH BUILDING of the WOCC.  Initially, worship will be over the internet, or by new members attending liturgies in other Orthodox Christian Churches.   [At present, all Orthodox Christian Churches in western countries seem like they are "foreign" churches.]  That Ordination will be preceded by great publicity rising to a crescendo, along the lines of a big commercial LAUNCH. 

That first priest will have to have been trained in an Orthodox Christian Seminary.   Following the Apostolic Tradition of the Orthodox Christian Church, three priests of the existing Orthodox Christian Churches will ordain that priest.  I think it would be a great idea if all three were from different Orthodox Christian Churches.  This priest does not need to be in any particular country.  Initialy, he will be the Priest for the WOCC for all countries in the world.




