Cowardly rspca BULLY,
Shane Towers-Hammond

We can hardly say "gutless" [look at the photo].
Shane Towers-Hammond [STH] is the type of scum that the rspca will promote.   Previously, this belligerent bully came onto this land, just behind where he is in this photo, put one hand on his hip and bellowed to the elderly lady [the owner] 50 metres down this path, "GET UP HERE, NOW."  He is a FAT PIG without mitigation.

If this parasite dislikes our expose about him, SUE US, I DARE YOU; YOU LOWLIFE BUFFOON.   THEN,  we will have an opportunity to show the WORLD the barbarian practices of the rspca.  

This photo was taken by one of two of our agents present on 14th February, 2008, when this parasite returned to continue the persecution of the retired couple that the rspca have been targeting continuously since 3rd September, 2007.  The rspca have been visiting them every 14 days, to have, without doubt, their perverted "fun" by being able to bully and verbally abuse an elderly, retired couple, living an unsupported existence [although entitled, they do not claim the age pension], on their 40 acre rural block between Dayboro and Mt Mee in South East Queensland.    The rspca is simply a "bully machine" that other clandestine bullies can aim at those other bullies' own targets.   They bully them by proxy.

The rspca bullies had been aimed at this retired couple by the local elected labor member of the PINE RIVERS SHIRE COUNCIL  [prsc], the labor CRIMINAL BOB MILLAR.   

The retired couple inadvertantly encouraged the parasites of the rspca, by respecting the rspca and trying to meet their demands.  This was perverted pleasure for the parasites.
The Queensland labor state government [Qlsg] has established the rspca  as the "bully machine by proxy" primarily for Municiple and Shire council  "employees" [cf "workers"] [msce], who tend to be, in the main, bludging labor voters.   msce are the main instigators of the rspca actions in Queensland.    The Qslg has established the rspca to be almost a law unto themselves, without all the proper legal restrictions imposed by law, upon public officials.  This is the reason that the rspca attracts so many criminals.

On one previous occasion Bully Shane had with him, that other rspca criminal KATIE HEATON.   She returned for her sick psychotic "fun" a fortnight prior to the above photo, on 31 January, 2008.   Our agent was present on that occasion too, and her manner was diametrically opposed to her conduct on all of her previous visits. With her knowledge, her visit was audio recorded.  Heaton had been attending for her fortnightly perverted "fun" for a few months prior to that. 
Her previous visits were a tirade of verbal abuse by her at the elderly couple.  Being observed was clearly too stressful for her, so she bailed out on the subsequent visit, in favour of the older bully STH.  Clearly, it was no longer fun for her, having to monitor her own actions and sluttish language.

How to defend yourself
against an RSPCA ATTACK:

* Firstly: advise us on our PHP contact form.
* Secondly: NB: Apply [IT'S FREE] to rspca in your state [by email] for the personal information that they hold about YOU per  Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
NB:  See how, with drafts and some email addresses supplied! 
This can be very powerful if they sue you, so maybe they will not sue you because of this.
* Thirdly: Make email complaint about the rspca person's conduct [You can make many subsequent complaints to these same addresses] to multiple addresses for each of the following, [so it will not be lost] to:
- the Minister responsible for rspca in your state, [Ministerial and Electorate Office addresses] [in Qld that is the DPI &F minister who has responsibility; the chief executive of DPI&F has responsibility for "authorisation" of rspca "inspectors" and can remove them; implicitly rspca "inspectors" must be "fit and proper"];
- your local STATE member;
- the Federal Member for your region;

 about the particular rspca person or persons AS SOON AS YOU WITNESS ANY OF THEIR CONDUCT, EVEN WRITTEN or know they are potentially targeting you.
* Fourthly: Act against the SECRET PROXY BULLY. Since the rspca will be acting upon a "complaint", you will find that someone "has it in for you", and so made the complaint. Read More.
* Fifthly: Start your own website and link it into our WebNet:

This is not legal advice.  What we are doing is "teaching" a method.  Since we are not advising a person in a particular situation, any "cases" are merely hypothetical.  

"Lawyers" expect to win some and to lose some, but be paid regardless.   You should expect to win therefore, I suggest you should DIY. 

There are even cases where a solicitor conspires with his client's persecutors [because they were labor and the solicitor was labor].  This particular case was that perjuring corrupt Brisbane labor lawyer,
Terence Joseph Mellifont.  He has since been involved in Electoral Fraud in Queensland, that has kept labor in government.  He is so publicly corrupt, the Queensland Labor government could not promote him, so they promoted his wife to be a judge of the Queensland District Court. She is Julie Maree Dick.  [I wonder the reason she uses her maiden name.]  In that case of  CRIMINAL fraud by Mellifont, he "instructed" another labor lawyer as barrister.  That barrister was also part of the fraud.  His name is Jeffrey Ernest John SPENDER and he was appointed by the Hawke labor government to be a judge on the Federal Court.  He is still there and importantly, STILL CORRUPT.   You will find many corrupt solicitors barristers in Queensland, {I have irrefutable evidence} [and there is no reason that Queensland should be unique in this].

A far better approach is to DIY.   Then you will better understand what is happening.  It may take more of your time, but you "earn" a lot of money for the extra time you contribute.  A judge or magistrate cannot risk a successful appeal by allowing an unrepresented defendant to commit errors.   An unrepresented defendant [UD] can really frustrate a magistrate if the UD continually asks the magistrate for explanations. 
The rspca continually attempt to mislead, confuse and intimidate defendants.  The rspca do likewise to lawyers too.

We will publish the pertinent excerpt from the relevant Queensland Legislation.   The FULL Statute, called the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001, Reprinted as in force on 21 July 2006, Reprint No. 2C revised edition is freely available online from the Queensland Government  website at http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/LEGISLTN/CURRENT/A/AnimalCaPrA01.pdf /

Chapter 6:      Investigation and enforcement
Part 1 Inspectors
Division 1 Appointment
114 Appointment and qualifications
(1) The chief executive may appoint an individual as an inspector.
(2) However, an individual may be appointed as an inspector only if—
(a) the individual is—
 (i) a public service officer or employee; or

 (ii) employed by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Queensland Incorporated; or

(iii) included in a class of individuals declared under a regulation to be an approved class of persons for this section; and
(b) the chief executive is satisfied the individual has—
(i) the necessary expertise or experience to be an inspector; or
(ii) satisfactorily finished training approved by the chief executive.
(3) Subsection (2) does not limit the issues the chief executive may consider when deciding whether to appoint an individual as an inspector.
115 Functions
The functions of an inspector are to investigate and enforce compliance with this Act.
116 Appointment conditions and limit on powers
(1) An inspector holds office on any conditions stated in—
(a) the inspector’s instrument of appointment; or
(b) a signed notice given to the inspector; or
(c) a regulation.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the instrument of appointment, a signed notice given to the inspector or a regulation may—
(a) limit the inspector’s functions or powers under this or another Act; or
(b) require the inspector to give the chief executive stated information or a report about the performance of the inspector’s functions or the exercise of the inspector’s powers.
(3) In this section—
signed notice means a notice signed by the chief executive.

117 When inspector ceases to hold office
(1) An inspector ceases to hold office if any of the following happens—
(a) the term of office stated in a condition of office ends;
(b) under another condition of office, the inspector ceases to hold office;
(c) the inspector’s resignation under section 118 takes effect.

(2) Subsection (1) does not limit the ways an inspector may cease to hold office.

(3) In this section—
condition of office means a condition on which the inspector holds office.
118 Resignation
(1) An inspector may resign by signed notice given to the chief executive.
(2) However, if holding office as an inspector is a condition of the
inspector holding another office, the inspector may not resign as an inspector without resigning from the other office.


Watch for our upcoming

In Queensland, my home state, the RSPCA has statutory powers to enter the homes of people without court orders, and WITHOUT GIVING THOSE PEOPLE DUE PROCESS.

The other states of Australia have similar legislation. This gives the parasites in RSPCA uniforms, powers far in excess of what their abilities should suggest.  Invariably, then, the RSPCA attracts the mentally feeble who have been bullied and victimised as kids because they were, and still are, dumb or dyslectic, and who in turn relish the power this legislation gives them, and so become bullies themselves, on a grand scale.

I have a few pages about the problems caused to me by theRSPCA parasites, and the actions that I have taken to deal with these parasites.  Fortunately, so many of my pages have very high Google rankings.   I find many people from the UK landing on my pages about the RSPCA.  I will now direct them to their own special page.  For a while after I write this [21 January, 2008], this will probably be the way that they land on that page.  Google may soon direct UK people directly to that page.  [There are links below to most of those pages to which Google directs them at present.]

I believe there is a solution to the problem of corruption and bullying by the RSPCA, in both Australia and the UK.   As well, beginning with Queensland, followed by the other states of Australia, we wish to ENSURE that the Parliaments in each state, STRIP each state RSPCA body of its STATUTORY POWERS. 

I hope we, in Australia and the UK, can assist each other to help bring the RSPCA in Australia and the UK, to 'heel'.   I understand from following the links in the Google searches which produced the links people followed to my pages:[the "Referer"], that the RSPCA is without similar legislative powers in the UK.    Apparently, this does not make them any less parasitic than they are in Australia. 

If you like my suggested solution, please let me know by emailing me from my PHP email form.


ALERT EMAIL [20061221] to Tim Mulherin, DPI & F, and Elizabeth Nosworthy AO re RSPCA requirement that my DUCKS MUST HAVE A SWIMMING POOL.

Elizabeth Nosworthy AO
Chair of the Queensland Water Commission

Minister for Primary Industries and Fisheries
The Honourable Tim Mulherin

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Dear Madam,
Dear Sir,

Today, I have published on my website HAIGREPORT.com /, an OPEN LETTER addressed to you both.  It involves a matter within the provinces of you both.  The URL for this OPEN LETTER [20061221] to Tim Mulherin, DPI & F, and Elizabeth Nosworthy AO re RSPCA requirement that my DUCKS MUST HAVE A SWIMMING POOL is http://haigreport.com/openletter20061221dpiandwatercommrerspcaducksswimmingpool.html /.

This matter is extremely serious and I demand your timely and undivided attention, as the RSPCA is attempting to set me up as being unco-operative, and threatening me with a fine of $22,500.00.

I think this will be of major interest to many Queenslanders. This website is VERY public. I challenge you to take the HAIGREPORT GOOGLE CHALLENGE.  My site has a high google ranking and it is improving daily.

Other relevant  URLs [hypertext-links] include:
OPEN LETTER [20061221] to Tim Mulherin, DPI & F, and Elizabeth Nosworthy AO re RSPCA requirement that my DUCKS MUST HAVE A SWIMMING POOL.
RSPCA REPLY of 11 December, 2006.
OPEN LETTER [20061211] to Qld MLAs re RSPCA Qld and my response to Chaplin's.
OPEN LETTER [20061211] to RSPCA Qld. My response to Chaplin's.
RSPCA REPLY of 4 December, 2006.
OPEN LETTER [dated 1st December, 2006] to RSPCA Qld  
RSPCA Method of Operation - FRAUDULENT and CRIMINAL

I am definite that I do not wish to be pleasing the RSPCA yet run FOWL  of another collection of public sector parasites.  Please acknowledge receipt of the OPEN LETTER and this ALERT EMAIL I am forwarding to you both, ALERTING you to the existence of that OPEN LETTER.

Kind regards,
 Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA      
ex-Member of the Standing Committee of Convocation of 
 254 Hawken Drive, St Lucia Q4067. 
 Skype: russellmathews
 Ph: NONE:I've given TELSTRA the FLICK. Hooray![Just email or Skype me.]
 Email:  ????   HAIG REPORT: the EVIDENCE
International students BEWARE of Australian universities
The "Judges are Corrupt" [WorldWide] Network.[members' links]




While writing this page I googled for a definition of BULLY or BULLYING, to find "most people only realise they're being bullied when they read this page",


The Bully Online website published by the UK National Workplace Bullying Advice Line.  The site is extensive and detailed.

In time I will name all of the bullies and link them to specific pages on this site.


The DYNAMICS of the BULLYING to which I am subjected, and the reasons for it.

For so long I did not realise that I was being bullied. I just realised I was being attacked often.  Others had suggested that as I was the comon denominator, it must be something about me; something that I was doing. That seemed logical to me. I looked hard and long at myself to try to understand. [In fact it was DIRECTLY RELATED TO ME but was not of my volition AND was completely beyond my control: view my MRI.  In my High School years, I was known as a brain.  I was then very intelligent, especially with mathematics.   I had come to the conclusion that it must be that I was causing others to be jealous of me.  It was intimated that I should conceal my intelligence.   I withdrew into myself. I was still bullied.

It is only recently, [2005] that I obtained that MRI to show the actual case, unequivocally. 

There are TWO BASIC CAUSES OF THE BULLYING I SUSTAIN:  They are not independent but are interrelated and correlated.

1.)   The asymmetry/freakishish-ugliness of my deformed skull and resulting disfigurement. 
2.)   Most importantly, the consequences of 1. above:-
    a)   Shark attack whereby gutless parasites, see me as being an "easy target"  for their bullying, as it make them feel superior to me.
    b)   My undeserved "reputation" or, in psychology speak, the 'halo effect' [similar to "where there's smoke there's fire"], which is a consequence of 1. and 2a. above.  This is especially so when a third party has to make decision regarding me: for example, Public servant parasites in the Public Sector, and for Magistrates and Judges [where they are not already out and out corrupt - the case with many].  This is so even where they do not see me but just "read between the lines" on my reputation and the demonisation of me, by other bullies.

Research shows that Ugly people are so much more harshly treated by courts, much the same as with Aborigines.  Aborigines are bullied, just for being Aborigines.  The discrimination I suffer is very similar to Racial discrimination.  Hence, I readily appreciate how Aborigines, and people of PNG and Solomon Islands experience Racial discrimination [simply bullying]. 


Anglican Church
The University of Queensland [UQ]
     UQ's Registrar, Douglas Porter 
     UQ's Vice Chancellor, Prof John Hay
Brisbane City Council [BCC] Corruption, breaking, entering and stealing, illegal imprisonment, CRUELTY TO ANIMALS.
Garth Steven Donnelly, cheater, nominally employed by BCC.  Should he be in jail for PERJURY?  You decide.  Why did he PANIC?. 
     Is Gaylene Vivian another LIAR at BCC?
    The EVIDENCE that the Queensland Information Commissions states that the SOLICITOR  for BCC is a LIAR.

Bullying involves demonisation of the target with lies of  evil, wrongdoing or immoral conduct.   When challenged, the bully cannot substantiate his allegations but may say that the person who can deliver the evidence is afraid of repercussions from the bullied target [helps to substantiate the lie], that the target was challenged [in private but was not challenged, or was challenged, because the bully had included that, planning his bullying, as a way of substantiating the lie that the conduct occurred, when the target admits that he was challenged],  and that the challenge was worthwhile because the target no longer engages in that conduct.  [I am pleased you don't beat your wife now.]

There is much CORRUPTION in Australia but the majority of it is concealed. THIS HAS MAJOR CONSEQUENCES FOR AUSTRALIA POLICICALLY ON the WORLD STAGE. Australia attempts to pontificate from the HIGH MORAL GROUND and be the BULLY OF THE PACIFIC”. America [USA – Bush] is attempting to diminish its INTERNATIONAL crimes by seeming to associate with a densizen of the “high moral ground” [Australia], whereas in fact, AUSTRALIA IS RIFE WITH CORRUPTION. The hidden corruption is spread across layers of government, [elected and “public service”], POLICE, [Queensland and Federal], the judiciary, legal profession, EDUCATION, UNIVERSITIES and business. It occurs in many dimensions. Much of the corruption is for the “cover-up” of incompetence, and other corruption. Some members of my “family” have gained some “inspiration” from some of this corruption, utilising corruption in the legal profession and judiciary.          
The www is the ideal medium to present The EVIDENCE of this corruption when that evidence is documented and the statements of others where those statements are public records. I WILL PUBLISH THE FACTUAL EVIDENCE HERE. My purpose with this site is to assemble that evidence and the logical linkage for the UNCHALLENGABLE CONCLUSION. I have special skills in this respect. I am first and foremost a MATHEMATICIAN with maths majors in my BSc and BA. As well, I am fully trained to be admitted as a lawyer. I have practical experience in many courts over many years and as an accountant and tax agent.

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